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5) How did you attract/address your audience?

Thrillers are meant to thrill and excite the audience, from my research questionnaire question ‘What do you think the aim of a thriller is?’ I found that the majority of people responded to my question by saying the aim of a thriller is to scare the audience. Based on this response I decided to create a psychological thriller with strong elements of horror.

I decided to use a wider variety of locations for the setting of my main task. These locations included an outdoor setting as well as indoor locations. The purpose of having multiple sets was to present two narratives which would eventually evolve into one at the end of the openings. 

The target audience for my main task ‘Sacrifice’ would be males and females aged between 15-25. The genre of my thriller is a psychological thriller with elements of horror. To attract an audience I had to produce a film which would be recognised as a psychological thriller, through the presentation.

The presentation of two storylines would attract the audience as the brevity of each plot would add a sense of enigma and thus capture the audience’s interest in the film. The important factor on appealing to the audience is the overall plausibility of the film. Through the use of editing and camera angles, I was able to construct ‘Sacrifice’ in a manner which would create a realistic product.

© MacarthyProductions2013

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