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7) Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

The brief for my preliminary was to create a one minute film, which showed a character crossing a room and sitting on a chair. I had to include camera angles such as the 180 degree rule, shot reverse shot and match on action. Observing the technical errors in the construction of my preliminary, I took these issues into consideration and tried to resolve them in the production of my main task with the aim to develop my skills.

One issue that I encountered in my preliminary was the quality of sound; although the characters speech was clear, the background music was slightly overshadowing the scene. The volume of the music was a problem when viewing the film and so considering this issue I had to think of what improvements I could make, so that this Problem would not occur in my main film. In my main task, I used audio effects to create a better balance between the artificial audio and the speech; I learnt by reducing the volume of the sound effects and increasing the sound of my voice I was able to have better sound quality in my film.

When it came to lighting, I realised that I needed to work harder on that in my main, as I realised that I had scenes where the lighting was a bit too dim in the video. The issue with lighting was reliant on the lighting during filming and the editing involved. Since then I have discovered new video effects which would allow me to manipulate the lighting to my preference such as levels and lighting.

Furthermore, both my preliminary and main task were filmed indoors, however I learnt that natural lighting was an efficient method of creating light and so I included parts which involved outdoor filming to deal with the issues in lighting. Moreover, to deal with the dim lighting issue, I produced a film where dim lighting would work to my favour, as low lighting was needed to create an enigmatic atmosphere, at the same time conforming to the conventions of the genre.

Decreased volume in main

Preliminary sound

© MacarthyProductions2013

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