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Based on my theme of crime thriller, I have decided to film an interrogation scene and have researched this type of scene in other crime thrillers to generate inspiration for my work. Originally I wanted to use two scenes in my work and a wider range of characters, however I was restricted by the length of the scene and therefore I chose a more simplistic scene of two characters exchanging dialogue.
Original Idea:
- Suspect is a teenage boy
- The detective is enquiring about his younger sister who has gone missing
- A flashback is used to show the young girl with her brother and a mysterious character who takes her.
- The setting of the flashback is night-time in the woods.
- The flashback ends and we re-enter the scene of the detective and the suspect.
The flaws I found in this idea were the length of time and lack of depth to the plot. Therefore I decided to add more emphasis to the dialogue and the characters rather than an over-complicated storyline, which could lead to confusion. I also incorporated a convention of thriller in my plot by using dark lighting.

​Final plot:​
A detective enters a room enquiring about a case of a missing young female. The suspect is seated in the room, and wearing a hooded coat. The detective sits down infront of the suspect and begins to ask about the missing person. The suspect seems quite relaxed in his manner and is unconcerned about the person. The dialogue reveals his past with the young girl who is called Amanda Deign. The audience learns that he treated her to a meal and she then stole from him. The detective becomes interested his story and it is revealed that Amanda deign may have had a troublsome past, ‘That’s funny, because if your story is true, based on her file, you’re probably the best thing that happened to her.’​

© MacarthyProductions2013

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