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3) what kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The internet is a well-known method of distributing media; websites such as YouTube are famed for their broadcasting of independent films.
Websites such as ‘distrify’ and ‘dynamo’ were created solely for the online distribution of independent films. These websites allow unknown film makers to release their material to the public as well as make a profit from their films. These websites would be a good option for the distribution of my film, as I have created a small film which is unlikely to be distributed by large corporate companies so this would be a suitable and practical method.

My film could also be debuted into a film festival. Aesthetica short film festival is an event in the United Kingdom which broadcasts short films. This media institution may distribute my film as it generally works with unknown film-makers and low-budget short films. Moreover, films such as ‘Saw’ was first aired at a film festival called Sundance, which is an American film festival; however during the spring of 2012 the festival was opened to London. Therefore, my film could be shown by film festivals which could be a platform for it to be developed and distributed by large media corporations.

My films are unique as they address serious issues such as murder, mental abuse and kid-napping amongst other topics. The storyline of my preliminary may be based on the generic a’ young girl goes missing’ plot, however the characters and narrative challenges the conventions of this plot as well as providing a surprising plot-twist. 


Unique Selling Point:

My main task is shot in an uncommon method being that the character is speaking directly to the camera and the film is mainly shown as a video diary rather than a linear story. The cutting between the narrative and the young girls video pleas adds originality to my film which may interest a sufficient amount of media institutions to distribute my work.

© MacarthyProductions2013

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