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3) what kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The Warner Bros is a large distribution company which has released thrillers such as ‘Syriana’ and ‘The Negotiator’. My preliminary was largely influenced by these thrillers and so there is a possibility that my film could be distributed by this company. For example, the high angle of the suspect was inspired by the high angle used in ‘Syriana’, as the shot portrayed the character as low in status which was the way that I wanted the suspect character to be portrayed.

However, large companies usually distribute films with high-budgets with well-renowned actors. My film is quite small scale in comparison to big Hollywood block-busters like ‘Iron Man’ or ‘X-men first class’ therefore it is unlikely that a large distribution company such as Warner bros or 20th century Fox would distribute my film. 

Other large film corporations include Paramount Pictures which is a film distribution company that is famed for films such as ‘Flight’ or ‘Titanic’ they are also responsible for the release of other media forms such as video games like ‘Star Trek’ or ‘Tin Tin’. Paramount has created a department in their company which focuses specifically on ‘micro-budget’ films and this is due to the success of the low budget film ‘Paranormal activity'. Therefore, there is a possibility of my film being distributed by this media institution.

© MacarthyProductions2013

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