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The mystery character is first introduced in an outside location. I edited the lighting in this scene to highlight the importance of this character's entrance . I used a spotlight effect which focused the light to a downwards direction. The effect added extra light to a the boots whilst darkening the surroundings.

The lighting in the clips of the young girls was edited to intensify the fear of the characters. I darkened the lighting in the scene by  increasing the '(RGB)black' level in the clips and by adding a tinting effect so that the images appeared to be in black and white. I also lowered the opacity level in the clips to further darken the scenes. The darkness of the clips mirrored the dark themes in the film.

The majority of the scenes with the mystery character have a blue tint. I used this to distinguish between the two main narratives. My film is a psychological thriller, hence I used blue tones rather red. Red is a colour which is often used in thrillers, especially horror thrillers.


My film  has themes of horror, however I used blue as this is  an emotive colour. Blue often represents feelings of sadness and despair which interlink to psychological issues. The film alternates between the blue and normal lighting to portray the conflicted mentality of the young girl.

© MacarthyProductions2013

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