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The Woman in black (2011)

Black Swan (2011)

Generally the theme of death is common in thrillers; this can be the death of the protagonist/s or another character this theme is depicted in the movies Saw, Jaws and Portrait In Black. Being a thriller, the antagonist is usually more advanced than the protagonist, either in strength, intelligence or power. 


The protagonist exemplifies the weak female character through her body language, displaying fear and anxiety.

The theme of death is prominent in the supernatural thriller film The Woman in black, as it includes the death of the protagonist.

However, normally the protagonist shows determination despite of this obstacle, and sometimes in some psychological thrillers the antagonist and the protagonist can be one person.

An example of this is the movie Black Swan, the plot is based on mental illness and her struggle with herself. Furthermore, weak characters in thrillers are most likely to play the victim and this part is typically female.

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