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• Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980)
• He was particularly known for his early work in Germany with the movie Blackguard (previously known as Die Prinzessin und der Geiger) (1925)
• He was particularly famous for his cameos in his films such as strangers on a train, shadow of a doubt and Uncle Charlie.
• Hitchcock’s first chance at directing was when the director of Always Tell Your Wife (1923) fell ill and Hitchcock directed the rest of the film
• Hitchcock’s first chance to direct a full film was in 1925 when he directed the co-production called The Pleasure Garden.
• Hitchcock’s first trademark film was made in 1926 called "The Lodger".
• When Hitchcock’s film Saboteur (1942) was made, films companies called his films after him; i.e. Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho, Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo, Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds etc.








• 7/03/1979, Hitchcock received the AFI Life Achievement Award.

• From 1977 Hitchcock and other writers created a film "The Short Night". The film was premiered after his death.
• His early success was in the making of silent films such as the Manxman, the farmer’s wife and easy virtue.

Alfred Hitchcock 

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